Consign My Saddle

Consignment Option

Consignment Process:

If you choose to consign your saddle with us, you can trust that we will work diligently to find it a new home. Consignment allows you to retain ownership of your saddle while we handle the selling process. Follow these steps to request a consignment:

  1. Fill out the Consignment/Sell Request form with accurate and detailed information about your saddle.
  2. Include clear and high-quality photos of your saddle from various angles.
  3. Provide any additional relevant details about the saddle's condition, brand, and any unique features.
  4. Submit the form and wait for our team to review your request.
  5. Once approved, we'll email you the consignment agreement to sign and submit; ship us your saddle and we'll take it from there. Visit the Request Saddle Ship Kit page for guidance on shipping.
  6. Your saddle will be listed on our website, marketplaces, and social medias, reaching a wide audience of potential buyers.
  7. When your saddle sells, we will handle the payment and shipping process, ensuring a smooth transaction for both you and the buyer.


Consignment Terms of Service:

Commission Rate and Pricing Strategy

Entrust us with the consignment of your saddles, and enjoy a seamless process. Consignors receive 75% of the net sale price (25% commission). We use market trends, comparable sales data, condition, and demand to determine the optimal price. Consignment saddles are subject to occasional promotions, sales, or discounts, providing additional marketing exposure for your saddle.

What We Do Not Accept

We accept saddles of all disciplines, but we have a few criteria. Saddles in very dirty condition, showing excessive wear, having had modifications, or requiring major repairs are not accepted. Some repair will be considered. Excessively dirty saddles may be subject to an added cleaning fee of $34.99. English saddles without knee pads or with suede knee pads are not accepted.

Consignment Period

The consignment period is 120 days. After this period, you have the option to pay for return shipping, arrange for pickup, or grant approval for donation. If the saddle is not repossessed within 30 days of consignment period end, the saddle will be heavily discounted and/or donated on your behalf.

Early Termination

If a consigned saddle is requested back by the owner before the end of the consignment period, a $75 fee, along with a $74.95 shipping and processing charge, will be applied. This covers our costs for advertising and insuring the saddle while in our possession. Please note, consigners are not permitted to advertise the saddle for sale while on consignment with The Saddle Consignor, unless they are promoting the consignment ad. This prevents unnecessary conflict and misinformation.

Payment Options

Consignment sales payouts are processed within 21 days of the saddle being sold. You have the choice to receive payment through Venmo, Paypal, or mailed check.


      Whether you choose consignment or an outright purchase, The Saddle Consignor is committed to providing a seamless and transparent experience. We value the trust you place in us to sell your saddle and strive to find it a new home where it will be appreciated by another rider. Contact us today to request a consignment or outright purchase of your horse saddle!