Circle Y Serial Numbers
Locate your serial number format below for proper interpretation.
May 2006 or Newer
Format: There should be two lines of numbers on your serial plate. The top line is the model number. The bottom line is the serial number and will begin with the year of production.
Model # 1234-5678-90
Serial # 20061234
Model # Breakdown:
1234: Saddle Model #
5: Seat color
67: Seat size
8: Saddle color
90: Tree width
1990 to April 2006
Serial Number Format: 1234-5678-90AB-CD
1234: Saddle Model #
5: Tree size
67: Seat size
8: Saddle color
90: Month made
AB: Year made
CD: Unique number
Number Breakdown
Tree Size:
1 = Regular (SQHB) | 5 = Wide (FWHB) | 6 = Extra-wide
Seat Size:
...50= 15", 55=15.5", 60=16"...
Saddle Colors:
0= Dark Oil Antique | 1 = Walnut
4 = Regular Oil | 5 = Heavy Oil
6 = Antique | 7 = Ultra Lite
8 = Pecan | 9 = Lite Oil
(1)8= Black | C = Chocolate